Comment ajouter une collection ou une institution à GRSciColl
Vous pouvez suggérer ou ajouter une collection ou institution ici:
Peu de champs sont obligatoires lors de la création de nouvelles entrées dans GRSciColl. However, we really appreciate if you could provide the address for the entry you created (especially the country).
See also this short video tutorial:
If you can’t access Vimeo in your country, here is the YouTube video
How to edit a GRSciColl collection or institution
There are three ways to update information on GRSciColl:
- you can suggest a change
- you can become an editor
- you can import data
See also this short video tutorial:
If you can’t access Vimeo in your country, here is the YouTube video
Suggest a change
Anyone can suggest changes by clicking on any GRSciColl entry, then:
- Click on
- Click on the
toggle button - Make your suggestion and leave your email address and a comment
You can also suggest adding new entries, merging duplicates and transforming institution entries into collections.
The suggestion will be reviewed by institutional editors, country editors or GBIF Staff depending on the entry edited.
Become editor
There are two types of editors in GRSciColl: editors and mediators. Both can edit data on GRSciColl and review changes but only mediators can delete, merge and transform entries. An editor (or mediator) can be given the permissions to edit:
- one or several collections
- one or several institutions (and their associated collections)
- one or several countries (and their associated institutions and collections)
To become a GRSciColl editor, you will need to have a GBIF user account associated with your institutional email address. Please send us an email at to notify us that you would like to become an editor.
Import data
The GBIF Collections API allows for editing without going through the web interface. The API also has an experimental feature to upload batches of collection and institutions. See the documentation here.
If you are interested in using the API for editing GRSciColl, the permission system and requirements are the same as for becoming an editor.
How to share collection descriptors
We are working on improving the documentation. In the meantime, please refer to this tutorial here: